Calliope Tsoupaki


Inner Life – A Piece for Courage and Hope: music in times of COVID-19

These are hard times. The COVID-19 virus is spreading over the whole world and its impact is indescribable. People are dying, becoming ill and lonely, cannot meet and touch each other. So Calliope Tsoupaki decided to write a new piece as the Composer Laureate of the Netherlands, because we need music in these times to… Read more

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Calliope Tsoupaki writes Liknon – Bosch Requiem 2019

Calliope Tsoupaki wrote this year’s Bosch Requiem. She named it Liknon, a Greek word for cradle. For Tsoupaki, death and life are closely connected to each other. The premiere of this piece will take place at Festival November Music on 2 November, All Soul’s Day. Still some tickets available here (website in Dutch). Liknon –… Read more

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‘Pour Notre-Dame’ on Aart Bergwerff’s latest CD

After the fire in the Parisian cathedral Notre Dame, Composer Laureate Calliope Tsoupaki wrote ‘Pour Notre-Dame’. She was very moved by what happened: ‘The Notre-Dame is the cradle of our western music’. Right after the fire I started to compose ‘Pour Notre-Dame’: for our beloved lady, for the church and for the music that unites… Read more

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Calliope writes organ piece after the fire in Notre-Dame

Composer Laureate Calliope Tsoupaki was deeply moved and shocked by the fire in Notre-Dame. Immediately after the fire she composed a solo piece for organ: ‘Pour Notre-Dame’. “For Our Lady, for the cathedral and for the music that brings us all together.” Organist Jan Hage will perform the world premiere at the Dom Cathedral in… Read more

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Still Life: video premiere at Podium Witteman

350 years ago the famous Dutch painter Rembrandt died. Calliope wrote the piece ‘Still Life’ to honour him. She was inspired by the painting ‘The Holy Family at Night’. Mike Fentross (theorbo) played the world premiere of this composition on 3 March 2019. Click here to watch the item of Podium Witteman (Dutch live TV-show)… Read more

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Honourable mention for Calliope’s cd Triptychon

On 18 February 2019 Calliope Tsoupaki received an honourable mention for her cd Triptychon from the Union of Greek Theatre and Music Critics in cooperation with the Foundation of Culture, Sport and Youth of the City of Athens. On the cd Triptychon are three works that she wrote for the DoelenKwartet and Arjan Woudenberg (clarinet): I. Mercurius for string… Read more

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Music for Ever: filmpje en gratis partituur

‘Music for Ever’ is the first Composition by Calliope Tsoupaki as Composer Laureate. She wrote this piece especially for Eric Vloeimans (trumpet), who gave a live performance at the Dutch TV-show Podium Witteman on 25 November 2018. This was Calliope’s inauguration as the Composer Laureate. It is Calliope’s wish that all the compositions she wrote as… Read more

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