Calliope Tsoupaki

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Fortress Europe (2017) 90′

Fortress Europe (2017) 90′

An opera with a prologue and 5 scenes Interviews & Recensies Fortress Europe is an opera with music by Calliope Tsoupaki about one of the most important issues of our… Read further

Oidípous (2014) 90′

Oidípous (2014) 90′

Oratorio in 6 parts for 3 singers and baroque chamber orchestra Oidípous beleeft voortreffelijke première AMSTERDAM 30 JUNI 2014 – Basia Jaworski “In een bomvol Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ… Read further

St. luke passion (2008) 120′

St. luke passion (2008) 120′

ΠΑΘΗ ΚΑΤΑ ΛΟΥΚΑΝ Oratorio in 4 parts (including 1 interval) for tenor, byzantine singer, 3 madrigal singers, 3 byzantine singers, one oriental female singer, kemençe, ney, qanun, and chamber ensemble. Hymnos (Ύμνος)… Read further